PostgreSQL 9.4 is going to be shipped with a feature called ordered-set aggregates. This can be used with a new clause called WITHIN GROUP. All those things have been introduced by the following commit.
Read more...2014-02-27 12:01:34 +0000
PostgreSQL 9.4 is going to be shipped with a feature called ordered-set aggregates. This can be used with a new clause called WITHIN GROUP. All those things have been introduced by the following commit.
Read more...2014-02-20 07:21:12 +0000
In PostgreSQL terminology, an LSN (Log Sequence Number) is a 64-bit integer used to determine a position in WAL (Write ahead log), used to preserve data integrity. Internally in code, it is managed as XLogRecPtr, a simple 64-bit integer. An LSN is represented with two hexadecimal numbers of 8 digits each separated with “/”. For example, when looking on server what is the current position of WAL, you can do something like that:
Read more...2014-02-12 21:21:12 +0000
PostgreSQL 9.4 is going to be shipped with a feature of the SQL standard called WITH ORDINALITY. It has been introduced by this commit:
Read more...2014-02-05 03:54:12 +0000
When writing an extension or module for PostgreSQL, having proper regressions tests and documentation are important things (with actually useful features!) to facilitate its acceptance.
Read more...2014-01-28 02:54:18 +0000
The new foreign data wrapper available with PostgreSQL core called postgres_fdw (to basically query foreign Postgres servers and fetch back data locally) makes possible a couple of interesting things with a little bit of imagination. First, you need to be aware that postgres_fdw can query all types of relations on a remote server: not only tables but also materialized views, sequences (with SELECT * FROM seqname) and even views.
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