The following commit has been merged into Postgres 12, adding a new option for VACUUM and ANALYZE:
commit: 803b1301e8c9aac478abeec62824a5d09664ffff
author: Michael Paquier <>
date: Thu, 4 Oct 2018 09:00:33 +0900
When specified, this option allows VACUUM to skip the work on a relation
if there is a conflicting lock on it when trying to open it at the
beginning of its processing.
Similarly to autovacuum, this comes with a couple of limitations while
the relation is processed which can cause the process to still block:
- when opening the relation indexes.
- when acquiring row samples for table inheritance trees, partition trees
or certain types of foreign tables, and that a lock is taken on some
leaves of such trees.
Author: Nathan Bossart
Reviewed-by: Michael Paquier, Andres Freund, Masahiko Sawada
Postgres 11 has extended VACUUM so as multiple relations can be specified in a single query, processing each relation one at a time. However if VACUUM gets stuck on a relation which is locked for a reason or another for a long time, it is up to the application layer which has triggered VACUUM to be careful to look at that and unblock the situation. SKIP_LOCKED brings more control regarding that by skipping immediately any relation that cannot be locked at the beginning of VACUUM or ANALYZE processing, meaning that the processing will finish on a timely manner at the cost of potentially doing nothing, which can also be dangerous if a table keeps accumulating bloat and is not cleaned up. As mentioned in the commit message, there are some limitations similar to autovacuum:
- Relation indexes may need to be locked, which would cause the processing to still block when working on them.
- The list of relations part of a partition or inheritance tree to process is built at the beginning of VACUUM or ANALYZE. If the parent table is locked, then none of its children are processed. If one of the children is locked and that the parent is listed in VACUUM, then all members of the trees are processed except the child locked. However a limitation comes in the middle of acquiring sample rows for trees, as ANALYZE would block if a lock is acquired on a child when acquiring row samples for statistics on the parent.
This option is only supported with the parenthesized grammar of those commands, for example:
=# VACUUM (SKIP_LOCKED) tab1, tab2;
WARNING: 55P03: skipping vacuum of "tab1" --- lock not available
LOCATION: expand_vacuum_rel, vacuum.c:654
And in this case the second table listed got locked.
On the way, note that more options have been added to vacuumdb thanks to this commit:
commit: 354e95d1f2122d20c1c5895eb3973cfb0e8d0cc2
author: Michael Paquier <>
date: Tue, 8 Jan 2019 10:52:29 +0900
Add --disable-page-skipping and --skip-locked to vacuumdb
DISABLE_PAGE_SKIPPING is available since v9.6, and SKIP_LOCKED since
v12. They lacked equivalents for vacuumdb, so this closes the gap.
Author: Nathan Bossart
Reviewed-by: Michael Paquier, Masahiko Sawada
So, combined with –table, it is possible to get the same mapping as what VACUUM and ANALYZE provide, though DISABLE_PAGE_SKIPPING is present since 9.6. This feature is also added into Postgres 12.