The second phase of the improvements done in PostgreSQL 16 for authentication configuration involve pg_ident.conf, mainly with this commit:
commit: efb6f4a4f9b627b9447f5cd8e955d43a7066c30c
author: Michael Paquier <>
date: Fri, 20 Jan 2023 11:21:55 +0900
Support the same patterns for pg-user in pg_ident.conf as in pg_hba.conf
While pg_hba.conf has support for non-literal username matches, and
this commit extends the capabilities that are supported for the
PostgreSQL user listed in an ident entry part of pg_ident.conf, with
support for:
1. The "all" keyword, where all the requested users are allowed.
2. Membership checks using the + prefix.
3. Using a regex to match against multiple roles.
Author: Jelte Fennema
To put it simply, this commit applies the same rules as pg_hba.conf, for what is referred as the PostgreSQL user in pg_ident.conf, or the database user. This is the third entry in an ident mapping made of:
map-name system-username database-username
The map-name is an identifier used with a matching HBA entry, while the two others match with what they name, the database user being the role registered in PostgreSQL itself. system-username is able to be either an arbitrary string or a regular expression (if beginning with a slash character), for many years now. database-username can also be defined for a pattern replacement if it includes ‘\1’ in its string, based on the system-user given by the client when the system-user is a regular expression in the ident mapping.
Unfortunately, all that has its limitations up to PostgreSQL 15 in terms of flexibility, as complex role ident policies can involve pg_ident.conf files with many entries that could refer to that many harcoded database role names. Deployments can take advantage of the pattern replacement for the database username with domain-based system usernames (like with Kerberos), but it becomes more complicated to handle sub-categories of roles. For example, imagine a case where we would want to set up a cluster so as it allows a system user named “my_system_user_N” (0 =< N < 10^4) to match with some arbitrary roles. One can set up pg_ident.conf to match a system user to a set of PostgreSQL roles, in a rather straight-forward way:
my_map my_system_user_1 pg_role_1
my_map my_system_user_2 pg_role_2
[ ... ]
my_map my_system_user_d pg_role_N
Using a pattern replacement with \1 in the database user for an ident can be actually rather flexible, however it limits the PostgreSQL role names to be written in ways similar to the system names as they basically need a subexpression in the system user that gets replaced in the PostgreSQL role name, to match with what the client is giving. Here is a simpler pg_ident.conf that does the same as for the previous one, in one line:
my_map "/^my_system_user_(\d{1,4})$" my_pg_role_\1
Now imagine for example a pg_hba.conf like this one, with a single entry:
local all all ident map=my_map
A system user named my_system_user_N (0 <= N < 10^4) is authorized to log in PostgreSQL only when using the database role with a matching number, which would be my_pg_role_N (like my_system_user_123 => my_pg_role_123). While rather flexible, this finds its limitations when you want to group multiple system users together in a single ident entry to match with a group of PostgreSQL roles.
As explained in the commit message quoted at the beginning of this post, more options are now available for the PostgreSQL user:
- “all”, to match with all the PostgreSQL user defined by the client. Applying double-quotes to the entry in the configuration file makes it lose its special meaning.
- Membership check (like in CREATE ROLE .. IN ROLE), for entries beginning with a ‘+’ character.
- Regular expressions, for entries beginning with a ‘/’ character. Subexpression replacements are not supported in this case (case where “\1” exists in the database role string).
The discussion that has led to this commit first mentioned that there should be support for “all”, later on arguing that regular expressions and membership checks can be additionally useful. At the end, supporting all of them has proved to be the simplest solution implementation-wise, as this applies to the database role string in an ident mapping the same set of checks applied to roles in HBA entries, so both ident and HBA entries can rely on the same code path for the same check, roughly.
For example, this is a possible configuration of pg_ident.conf in 16:
my_map "/^my_system_user_(\d{1})$" all
my_map "/^my_system_user_(\d{2})$" +my_role_group
my_map "/^my_system_user_(\d{3,4})$" "/^my_pg_role_(\d{1,4})$"
With that in place, the connection policy rank is determined by the number of digits used in the system user names:
- 1-digit system users can connect with any PostgreSQL role.
- 2-digit system users can connect as PostgreSQL roles that are members
of my_role_group. - 3-digit and 4-digit users can connect as PostgreSQL roles matching my_pg_role_N where (0 <= N < 10^4).
Something to be extremely careful here: a greater control of authentication configuration means a greater risk of bugs, hence always make sure to test any configuration changes before deployment. System views like pg_ident_file_mappings are vital here, particularly as failures of regular expression computations are available there.