When developing a logical change receiver with the new [logical decoding] (https://www.postgresql.org/docs/devel/static/logicaldecoding.html) facility of Postgres 9.4, there are a couple of new commands and a certain libpq protocol to be aware of before beginning any development for a logical replication receiver (on top of knowing some [basics] (/postgresql-2/postgres-9-4-feature-highlight-basics-logical-decoding/) and what is an [output decoder plugin] (/postgresql-2/postgres-9-4-feature-highlight-output-plugin-logical-replication/)). Here is an exhaustive list of the commands to know.
This command can be used to create a logical replication slot (as well as a physical replication slot). Here is an example using an output plugin called decoder_raw using a replication connection:
$ psql "replication=database" \
-c "CREATE_REPLICATION_SLOT custom_slot LOGICAL decoder_raw"
slot_name | consistent_point | snapshot_name | output_plugin
custom_slot | 0/16CC080 | 000003E9-1 | decoder_raw
(1 row)
When running this query, be sure that the result is make of 1 tuple with 4 fields (respectively PQntuples and PQnfields)! Then, the new slot can then be found listed on the server:
$ psql -c "SELECT slot_name, plugin, restart_lsn FROM pg_replication_slots"
slot_name | plugin | restart_lsn
custom_slot | decoder_raw | 0/16CC048
(1 row)
This can be done as well with pg_create_logical_replication_slot with a non-replication connection.
This command is used to drop a replication slot,simply like this for example:
$ psql "replication=database" -c "DROP_REPLICATION_SLOT custom_slot"
$ psql -c "SELECT plugin, restart_lsn FROM pg_replication_slots WHERE slot_name = 'custom_slot'"
plugin | restart_lsn
(0 rows)
After running this command, this result obtained has no tuples and no fields… Drop operation can be done as well with pg_drop_replication_slot using a normal connection to server.
This command already exists in versions of PostgreSQL older than 9.4, it has been extended for the needs of logical replication. For example, to start logical replication from a certain LSN using the slot created above, a command like that sent through a replication slot is enough. like that in the case of the slot created above:
START_REPLICATION SLOT custom_slot LOGICAL restart_lsn;
restart_lsn can be used to specify from which point logical replication begins. With a given decoding plugin, you can as well pass custom options. Here is an example with decoder_raw:
START_REPLICATION SLOT custom_slot LOGICAL restart_lsn ("include-transaction" 'off');
This command will send back a response of type PGRES_COPY_BOTH, containing data that can be retrieved with [PQgetCopyData] (https://www.postgresql.org/docs/devel/static/libpq-copy.html#LIBPQ-COPY-RECEIVE), so it is not something that for example psql directly support or you may finish with an error of this type:
unexpected PQresultStatus: 8
Before rushing into coding, have a look at pg_recvlogical. It can provide a good base for developing a custom receiver.