PostgreSQL 9.5 has added a new mode for [REINDEX] ( with this commit:
commit: fe263d115a7dd16095b8b8f1e943aff2bb4574d2
author: Simon Riggs <>
date: Tue, 9 Dec 2014 00:28:00 +0900
Add new SCHEMA option to REINDEX and reindexdb.
Sawada Masahiko
Reviewed by Michael Paquier and Fabrízio de Royes Mello
Up to 9.4, REINDEX is able to run on different things:
- INDEX, to reindex a given index.
- TABLE, to reindex entirely a table, including its underlying toast index if there is a toast table on it.
- DATABASE, to reindex all the relations of the database user is currently connected to, including catalog tables.
- SYSTEM, to reindex all the system catalogs.
A couple of things to note though:
- Indexes reindexed are locked with a strong exclusive lock, preventing any other session to touch it.
- Parent tables are locked with a share lock
- DATABASE and SYSTEM cannot run in a transaction, and process tables one-by-one, pg_class being run first as REINDEX updates it (this last point is an implementation detail, not mentioned in the docs).
The new mode for SCHEMA mixes those things, but behaves similarly to DATABASE and SYSTEM, for a schema:
- It cannot run in a transaction.
- Each table of the schema is processed one-by-one
- pg_class is reindexed first only if pg_catalog is processed.
That’s actually what you can find here, note first that pg_class is at the top of the relations indexed.
=# REINDEX SCHEMA pg_catalog;
NOTICE: 00000: table "pg_catalog.pg_class" was reindexed
LOCATION: ReindexObject, indexcmds.c:1942
NOTICE: 00000: table "pg_catalog.pg_depend" was reindexed
LOCATION: ReindexObject, indexcmds.c:1942
And that this operation is non-transactional:
=# REINDEX SCHEMA pg_catalog;
ERROR: 25001: REINDEX SCHEMA cannot run inside a transaction block
LOCATION: PreventTransactionChain, xact.c:2976
A last thing to note is that a user that has no access on a schema will logically not be able to run REINDEX on it.
ERROR: 42501: must be owner of schema public
LOCATION: aclcheck_error, aclchk.c:3376
This feature is particularly helpful when for example working on a server that has multiple schemas when it is wanted to reindex some multiple relations on a single schema as it makes unnecessary the step to list all the relations or to play with a custom function. It presents as well the advantage it avoids taking successive locks on all the objects when doing the work database-wide.