Postgres has in-core support for [Dynamic tracing] (, which is the possibility to use an external utility to track specific code path calls and have an execution trace at disposition for further analysis. Enabling this feature can be done when compiling code by specifying –enable-dtrace at [configure] ( step. Note as well that on Linux systems you will need systemtap installed (development package for compilation may be needed depending on your platform) to be able to compile code with this support, and extra kernel-level packages like kernel-devel to be able to take traces. In order to check if your installation is able to do dynamic tracing, for example simply run the following “Hello World” command.
$ stap -e 'probe begin { printf("Hello World\n") exit() }'
Hello World
Now, there are many things that can be done using the probes that are defined within Postgres and the functions defined natively, the most intuitive thing being to print on-the-fly information about things being done on the Postgres server. Here is for example a script able to track transaction start and commit, giving at the same time some extra information about the process doing the operation:
probe process("/path/to/bin/postgres").mark("transaction__start")
printf ("Start PID: %d, CPU: %d\n", pid(), cpu())
probe process("/path/to/bin/postgres").mark("transaction__commit")
printf ("Commit PID: %d, CPU: %d\n", pid(), cpu())
When using systemtap, the separator for mark points is not a single dash “-“ but a double underscore “__”. The argument values within a probe mark can be accessed as wel in the stap script as $arg1, $arg2, etc. Now, running a simple transaction like this one…
=# CREATE TABLE dtrace_tab (a int);
=# select pg_backend_pid();
(1 row)
Results in the following output when running stap and the script.
$ sudo stap tx_track.d
Start PID: 14411, CPU: 0
Commit PID: 14411, CPU: 0
It is as well possible to track function calls, here is an example tracking the same information as the last script, but now by tracking calls of StartTransaction and CommitTransaction. Such function is more interesting to track specific code paths like planner or execution things though:
probe process("/path/to/bin/postgres").function("StartTransaction")
printf ("Start PID: %d, CPU: %d\n", pid(), cpu())
probe process("/path/to/bin/postgres").function("CommitTransaction")
printf ("Commit PID: %d, CPU: %d\n", pid(), cpu())
And a transaction similar to the previous one results in this output (transaction run with the same session):
$ sudo stap tx_func.d
Start PID: 14411, CPU: 0
Commit PID: 14411, CPU: 0
Using probes with a timer makes possible to print at a wanted interval of time information about things that occurred on server. Here is an example calculating the server TPS counting the transaction commits and printing results every second:
global commit_count
probe process("/path/to/bin/postgres").mark("transaction__commit") {
probe timer.s(1) {
printf("tps: %d\n", commit_count)
A simple run of pgbench like that (no tuning of any kind):
$ pgbench -S -T 5 -c 24
starting vacuum...end.
transaction type: SELECT only
scaling factor: 1
query mode: simple
number of clients: 24
number of threads: 1
duration: 5 s
number of transactions actually processed: 14756
latency average: 8.132 ms
tps = 2941.653159 (including connections establishing)
tps = 2975.574118 (excluding connections establishing)
Results in the following output:
$ sudo stap tps_count.d
tps: 2091
tps: 2991
tps: 3089
tps: 2960
tps: 3034
tps: 624
Priting only information gathered once the stap process is stopped can be done using probe end. Here is for example a script counting the number of buffers flushed and read.
probe process("/path/to/bin/postgres").mark("buffer__read__done")
probe process("/path/to/bin/postgres").mark("buffer__flush__done")
probe end
printf("\nNumber of buffers read/flushed\n")
printf("Read = %d\n", buffer_read)
printf("Flushed = %d\n", buffer_flush)
And now here is when running a short pgbench run followed by a checkpoint:
$ pgbench -T 60 -c 24 | tail -n4
starting vacuum...end.
number of transactions actually processed: 24608
latency average: 58.518 ms
tps = 394.921180 (including connections establishing)
tps = 395.289723 (excluding connections establishing)
$ psql -c 'checkpoint'
The following results are obtained:
$ sudo stap buffer_track.d
Number of buffers read/flushed
Read = 927040
Flushed = 2204
There are of course many possibilities with this facility, so be sure to adapt it to your own needs and use it wisely. [perf] ( offers as well similar features for probe functions, and can work on existing binaries.