This year, Postgres-XC has a tutorial at PGCon. Yeah. Based on the schedule of PGCon 2012, XC team has 3 hours to make you masters of this cluster based on PostgreSQL.
We are working hard at shaping up the presentation flow following those guidelines.
- Postgres-XC, what it is and what it is not
- Postgres-XC elements – Global Transaction Manager, Coordinator and Datanode
- How to design a Postgres-XC cluster — cluster configuration and table design
- Build and installation
- How to configure Postgres-XC
- How to test Postgres-XC
- Cluster-wide backup and restore
- High availability and component failure
- Postgres-XC as a community, be a developer!
Well, to be honest, 3 hours is short for a tutorial that would need a full course of 2 days. So we are planning to have some demos running during the presentation, but for sure we will not be able to show as much as we wish during this short time. So, you, who is reading this post and will of course participate in Postgres-XC tutorial at PGCon, what do you expect from this tutorial? Are there things you would like to see more than others based on the guidelines written above?
Feel free to post your opinions here, we’ll try to take into account everybody’s viewpoint!