First you need to download the latest version of Postgres-XC from here.
Then open the tarball and install the binaries as you would do with a normal PostgresSQL.
configure --prefix=$INSTALL_FOLDER
make install
$INSTALL_FOLDER is the folder where to install the sources. In this post $PATH redirects to $INSTALL_FOLDER so no need to specify a folder when launching commands.
Next, the goal is to install a cluster when few simple commands. Assuming that you are familiar with Postgres-XC architecture, this cluster is made with 1 Coordinator (to which your application connects), 2 Datanodes (meaning that your table data can be distributed up to 2 nodes) and a GTM, mandatory unique component distributing transaction ID and snapshot in the cluster. If you are not familiar with the architecture, you can still refer to documents located here. Among the documents available, the tutorial done at PGCon 2012 is a good beginning. For simplicity’s sake, all the nodes are installed on a local machine.
Like PostgreSQL, each node of Postgres-XC needs a data folder. All of them are located in $DATA_FOLDER. So let’s move in and initialize each node.
cd $HOME/pgsql
initgtm -Z gtm -D gtm # Initialize GTM
initdb -D datanode1 --nodename dn1 # Initialize Datanode 1
initdb -D datanode2 --nodename dn2 # Initialize Datanode 2
initdb -D coord1 --nodename co1 # Initialize Coordinator 1
Then you need to modify manually the port value of Datanode 1 and Datanode 2 in each postgresql.conf.
cd datanode1 # or `cd datanode2`
vim postgresql.conf
Then change the line “#port = 5432” by “port = 15432” for Datanode 1, and “port = 15433” for Datanode 2.
Then it is time to start up the cluster.
gtm -D gtm & # Start-up GTM
postgres -X -D datanode1 -i & # Start Datanode 1
postgres -X -D datanode2 -i & # Start Datanode 2
postgres -C -D coord1 -i & # Start Coordinator 1
What remains is to set up the Coordinator to make him know about Datanode 1 and 2. So connect to coordinator 1.
psql postgres
Then launch that to finish setting up cluster:
CREATE NODE dn1 WITH (TYPE='datanode', PORT=15432);
CREATE NODE dn2 WITH (TYPE='datanode', PORT=15433);
select pgxc_pool_reload();
And you are done. Now you can connect to Coordinator 1 and test your newly-made cluster. 12 short commands have been enough once binaries have been installed.