Tag: 9.3
- Global sequences with postgres_fdw and Postgres core (28 Jan 2014)
- Postgres 9.3 feature highlight - COPY TO/FROM PROGRAM (18 Nov 2013)
- Cascading replication in chain with 10, 100, 200 nodes? (18 Oct 2013)
- Postgres 9.3 feature highlight - event triggers (13 Sep 2013)
- Modifications of APIs for bgworkers in Postgres 9.3 (29 Jul 2013)
- Postgres module highlight - pg_rewind, to quickly recycle a Postgres master into a slave (16 Jul 2013)
- Postgres 9.3 feature highlight - Data Checksums (02 Jul 2013)
- Postgres 9.3 feature highlight - new verbose error fields (22 May 2013)
- Postgres 9.3 feature highlight - new flavors of IF EXISTS and IF NOT EXISTS (15 May 2013)
- Postgres 9.3 feature highlight - \watch in psql (02 May 2013)
- Postgres 9.3 feature highlight - parallel pg_dump (25 Apr 2013)
- Postgres 9.3 feature highlight - JSON parsing functions (17 Apr 2013)
- Postgres 9.3 feature highlight - JSON operators (11 Apr 2013)
- Postgres 9.3 feature highlight - JSON data generation (03 Apr 2013)
- Postgres 9.3 feature highlight - handling signals with custom bgworkers (28 Mar 2013)
- Postgres 9.3 feature highlight - writable foreign tables (14 Mar 2013)
- Postgres 9.3 feature highlight - Materialized views (08 Mar 2013)
- Postgres 9.3 feature highlight - pg_xlogdump (27 Feb 2013)
- Postgres 9.3 feature highlight - postgres_fdw (22 Feb 2013)
- Postgres 9.3 feature highlight - "Hello World" with custom bgworkers (12 Feb 2013)
- Postgres 9.3 feature highlight - server monitoring with pg_isready (03 Feb 2013)
- Postgres 9.3 feature highlight - FOR KEY SHARE and FOR NO KEY UPDATE (29 Jan 2013)
- Postgres 9.3 feature highlight - COPY FREEZE (22 Jan 2013)
- Postgres 9.3 feature highlight - custom background workers (19 Jan 2013)
- Postgres 9.3 feature highlight - auto-updatable views (12 Jan 2013)
- Postgres 9.3 feature highlight - timeline switch of slave node without archives (25 Dec 2012)
- Postgres 9.3 proposal - REINDEX and CLUSTER CONCURRENTLY, reorganize table with low-level locks? (03 Oct 2012)